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Home > Fair Trade > Fair Trade Handmade Purses > Black and White Checkered Handbag
Fair Trade Handmade Purses
Black and White Checkered Handbag
Item# GWHMRW001_580105
List price: $93.99
Our price: $89.99


Sturdy black and white checked bag made from cut and folded polypropylene wrappers

Zipper closure

The bag measures 13 inches by 6 inches deep and 10 inches tall

Strap is 50 inches long made from soda top pull tabs


All workers producing our Fair Trade purses are paid a fair and reasonable wage for their products.

This purse was handwoven by the wonderful women of Bio Imaginarte. The founders of BIO Imaginarte take the mantra “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” to heart. The focus of BIO when it began in 1992 was educating Mexico in the need to protect and restore the environment. Working with women who live in several villages as an aspect of its education efforts, BIO helped designed bags and other functional products that are made from manufactured materials, reusing aluminum pop tops, rubber from tires and plastic billboards, as well as recycling paper and candy wrappers. The women are paid a fair price for each piece that they make, which promotes the beauty of handmade products while addressing one of the main causes of environmental deterioration in Mexico—poverty.

Sturdy black and white checked bag made from cut and folded polypropylene wrappers

Zipper closure

The bag measures 13 inches by 6 inches deep and 10 inches tall

Strap is 50 inches long made from soda top pull tabs


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