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Fresh. Sustainable. Organic.
Organic cottons, baby products, gift baskets and so much more!
Organic Stores, Inc., Greensburg, PA l5601
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    Home > New Product

    We are currently receiving numerous requests from large manufacturers as well as start up companies to place their products on our site. Our goal is to bring our customers top quality organic items at the lowest possible prices.

    Future categories that will be featured are organic cotton adult clothing, bedding, and hemp products. We will also offer coffee, tea, household supplies, pet items and more.

    If you have a product that you believe would be a good fit for Organic Stores, Inc., please feel free to contact us. Our product selection team will give consideration to your product regardless if you are just starting out or you are a major label.
    Copyright 2015 Organic Stores, Inc. All Rights Reserved.